Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Chiseled 5: Improve your Nutrition TODAY!

I am back! I hope your week is off to an AWESOME start. Mine is so far, but I have some work to do! The dreams I have for Chiseled Chicks are becoming bigger. I will be working on some videos to post here to support some of the info I give. My goal is to help keep you physically active and constantly setting goals for yourself. I hope to provide workout ideas, healthy eating ideas, resources to help you figure out where you stand regarding health and fitness and a little excitement in your day.

Now for today's post....lol
Its the end of January and many are still using the words, "I'm doing well on my diet". That sentence makes me wonder if this diet you are doing is part of a lifestyle change or just a way to lose a few pounds so you can revert back to the former bad eating habits. There are so many diets out here
Cabbage Soup
Cayenne Pepper
South Beach
Blah, blah, blah!!
Think about this, if you can take 1-2 months of putting yourself through this type of starvation diet to lose a few pounds that magically reappear when you return to normal eating, couldn't you make things easier by doing the simple things that will give you continuous results and not make you feel so deprived?? Here are 5 simple things you can do to improve your waistline, confidence and NUTRITION today!!

1. DRINK WATER! Your body is more than 60% water. Additionally water is non caloric and can help you past hunger pangs. Sometimes we may feel hungry when we are really thirsty! How much you ask?? Take your body weight and divide it by 2. That's how many ounces you should drink. Here is slide show on the benefits of water here
2. CUT DOWN YOUR PORTION SIZES. You may still be able to enjoy your favorite foods on a regular basis if you cut down our portion size. Try using a smaller plate and reading the nutrition label to find out what the actually portion size is. Or you can use your hand. The palm is the size of proteins, first thumb segment is fat serving, a fist is vegetables and a tightly cupped hand is your carb or starchy food. I also like this portion control guide at WebMD.com
3. EAT 5-6 SMALL MEALS PER DAY. Depending on your goals your meals can be 300-500 calories each. This may sound like a lot but, not so much if you are spacing the meals out every 2-4 hours. Frequent meals do a couple things. First, it gives you opportunity to eat a variety of foods. Second it allows your body to digest a little food at a time while possibly minimizing how much may be stored as fat. Thirdly, it keeps your metabolism up. Your system is burning calories almost constantly.
4.EAT PROTEIN AT EVERY MEAL. Proteins are muscle building blocks. They can help keep you full longer while keeping your metabolism working hard. Lean complete proteins are best. Examples are chicken, leans steak, turkey, lean pork cuts, and eggs
5. EAT MORE FRUITS AND VEGGIES! This is probably the most obvious but hardest to implement. Try to shoot for 5 a day. 2 fruits and 3 or more veggies. Make at least 2 of your veggies green. A variety of colors within your fruits and veggies will help increase the chances of getting your vitamins and minerals. Fruits and veggies are low in calories (most), good fiber sources, and high in flavor! If all you know about fruits and veggies are lettuce, carrots, apples and oranges, then click here to learn about variety.

This is just a starter for you. I will be elaborating on things as the year goes on. Please post questions and comments below!

Carpe Diem Chiseled Chicks!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Chiseled Chicks Intro

Good Afternoon everyone! This is my first blog under Chiseled Chicks. I am so excited about starting this blog! I have decided to kick things off by letting you know what a Chiseled Chick is (and NO its not a chick who can bench press her boyfriend and is ripped from drinking protein shakes and supplements...although there is a time for all of that)

This is what a Chiseled Chick is:
  • the woman that refuses to accept LESS than the BEST for her body
  • the woman that has accepted that eating healthy and being fit is a journey and not instant
  • the woman that wants to push her body further. It doesn't matter if its lifting heavier or running further
  • the woman that dreams, sets goals, takes action and ACCOMPLISHES something.
  • the woman that makes her own decisions about her health through research and trial
So that's my intro. I will be back next week with the start of my mini series entitled "The Chiseled 5". Over 5 weeks, I will reveal....
5 Ways to Keep Focused on your Goals
5 Best Total Body Exercises
5 Best Pieces of Fitness Equipment to have at Home
5 Ways to Improve your Diet TODAY
5 Best Forms of Cardio

See Ya Next Time!
